It allows you to bookmark your favorite definitions and access them later. It can speak the words you search in English with a male voice, which can help you improve your pronunciation and listening skills. It can display image results for the words you search, which can help you visualize and remember them better. It can translate sentences and paragraphs from Burmese to English and English to Myanmar. It supports both Burmese and English languages, as well as Chinese words. It has a large and comprehensive database of words, definitions, synonyms, antonyms, and examples. It works offline and online, so you can use it anytime and anywhere. It is free and does not require any registration or subscription. Here are some of the benefits of using Shwebook Dictionary Pro: Shwebook Dictionary Pro is not just a simple dictionary app, but a powerful tool that can help you learn, communicate, and understand Burmese and English languages better. Why You Should Use Shwebook Dictionary Pro